Brotherhood: The Rain Man Fanlisting


Welcome to "Brotherhood", a fanlisting for the 1988 film, Rain Man.

The film is about a greedy, self-centred man's discovery of his older brother with Autism. His older brother has inherited their recently deceased father's millions, while he has been left next to nothing. Angry and frustrated, he takes his brother away from the institution he has lived in for years, beginning a week long journey that will change who he is.

The film stars Dustin Hoffman and Tom Cruise.

This fanlisting is listed at The Fanlistings Network.


Last updatedJanuary 03, 2025
Listed at TFLJuly 24, 2004
OpenedAugust 4, 2004
Member count150 listed (+0 awaiting addition)
Last added/editedKiara

© 2007 Hazel. This fanlisting is a part of the Thought Dreams collective. See credits.